Exodus Chapter 1 Questions
- How many of Jacob’s family went in to Egypt?
- Approximately how many will come out with Moses?
- Who were the covenant people?
- What 3 men were the promises to come through?
- How many sons did Jacob have?
- Who would they become?
- What time (events) did Exodus cover?
- Who is the Lamb?
- What 2 types of law were introduced in Exodus?
- The 10 plagues deal with what?
- God’s presence was shown by what 2 things in these travels?
- Why was Reuben mentioned first in the list of sons?
- Why was Joseph omitted from this list of sons?
- Name the 12 sons of Jacob.
- In what sin was Reuben involved?
- How many souls came from the loins of Jacob in verse 5?
- What had Joseph finally discovered was the real reason he was sold into captivity?
- At what time did the Egyptians turn against Joseph’s family?
- Why did the ruler decide to make the Israelites slaves?
- What does the word “taskmaster” indicate?
- “Pithom” means what?
- What is the message you received in this first lesson?
- In verse 12, the more they afflicted them, the more they ___________ _____ __________.
- Who was grieved by this?
- What does “grieved” actually mean?
- What word describes the severity of their service?
- What is a midwife?
- What did he instruct the midwives to do?
- What does the name “Shiphrah” mean?
- What does “Puah” mean?
- What one thing makes us believe these midwives were Hebrews?
- Why did the midwives not do what the king asked them to?
- When is the only time to disobey government?
- When the king called the midwives to explain their action, what did they tell him?
- What were these midwives willing to do so as not to disobey God?
- Instead of the Hebrews decreasing, what happened?
- We read because the midwives feared God, He made them what?
- What was throwing these babies into the Nile River like?
- Why?
- In what area did these Hebrew live?