Exodus 1: Questions

Exodus Chapter 1 Questions

  1. How many of Jacob’s family went in to Egypt?
  2. Approximately how many will come out with Moses?
  3. Who were the covenant people?
  4. What 3 men were the promises to come through?
  5. How many sons did Jacob have?
  6. Who would they become?
  7. What time (events) did Exodus cover?
  8. Who is the Lamb?
  9. What 2 types of law were introduced in Exodus?
  10. The 10 plagues deal with what?
  11. God’s presence was shown by what 2 things in these travels?
  12. Why was Reuben mentioned first in the list of sons?
  13. Why was Joseph omitted from this list of sons?
  14. Name the 12 sons of Jacob.
  15. In what sin was Reuben involved?
  16. How many souls came from the loins of Jacob in verse 5?
  17. What had Joseph finally discovered was the real reason he was sold into captivity?
  18. At what time did the Egyptians turn against Joseph’s family?
  19. Why did the ruler decide to make the Israelites slaves?
  20. What does the word “taskmaster” indicate?
  21. “Pithom” means what?
  22. What is the message you received in this first lesson?
  23. In verse 12, the more they afflicted them, the more they ___________ _____ __________.
  24. Who was grieved by this?
  25. What does “grieved” actually mean?
  26. What word describes the severity of their service?
  27. What is a midwife?
  28. What did he instruct the midwives to do?
  29. What does the name “Shiphrah” mean?
  30. What does “Puah” mean?
  31. What one thing makes us believe these midwives were Hebrews?
  32. Why did the midwives not do what the king asked them to?
  33. When is the only time to disobey government?
  34. When the king called the midwives to explain their action, what did they tell him?
  35. What were these midwives willing to do so as not to disobey God?
  36. Instead of the Hebrews decreasing, what happened?
  37. We read because the midwives feared God, He made them what?
  38. What was throwing these babies into the Nile River like?
  39. Why?
  40. In what area did these Hebrew live?