Questions on Genesis 1

  1. Who are the three indicated in this word?
  2. What is the word translated “God” in Genesis 1:1?
  3. What does the word Bara mean?
  4. How was the earth described when it was first formed?
  5. Who moved on the face of the waters?
  6. Is darkness always a symbol of evil?
  7. What does “deep” refer to?
  8. What is one of the biblical proofs of the deity of the Holy spirit?
  9. Where did the light come from in verse 3?
  10. What did each command start with when God started His Creation?
  11. What was God’s evaluative approval (3 words)?
  12. What was the purpose of the light in verse 4?
  13. What was the light called in verse five?
  14. What was the darkness called?
  15. Name 2 others mentioned in this lesson, showing their “lordship” by naming or renaming something?
  16. How long in hours was the first day?
  17. Was this light the sun?
  18. How many biblical days did it take God to create the world?
  19. What is our part in all of this?
  20. In verse 5, which day comes to an end?
  21. That which man saw when he looked up was called what?
  22. The third heaven is where God is, what are the other 2 heavens called?
  23. Where were approximately half the waters upon the earth located?
  24. What type of an effect would this have on the earth?
  25. What might explain the longevity described in Genesis 5?
  26. What does under the firmament refer to?
  27. What caused the dry land?
  28. What day did this happen?
  29. What happened on day three?
  30. What was the dry land called?
  31. What was the one main place where all the water collected?
  32. What was unusual about the fruit trees when they were created?
  33. What happened on day four?
  34. What were some of the signs for in verse 14?
  35. What were the 2 great lights?
  36. What was their purpose?
  37. Why did God create the heavens, the earth, the seas, and populate them?
  38. What does the fourteenth chapter of John tell us that Jesus is doing now, in heaven?
  39. What was God’s plan from the beginning?
  40. What did God tell the fowl and fish to do after He blessed them?
  41. What was created on day five?
  42. Which was made first man or beast?
  43. Why?
  44. What particular thing should we note in the creation of animals?
  45. What one word in verse 26 indicates plural?
  46. What things was man to have dominion over? Name five.
  47. The image and likeness of God is what?
  48. Why?
  49. Are women a spirit, or just men?
  50. What is directly opposite of what some religions teach about women today?
  51. What separates mankind from all other creations?
  52. Who was made with power to choose?
  53. What was the magnificent beginning of man?
  54. Who took on a body and redeemed mankind?
  55. Is the teaching that man will become a god correct?
  56. What will mankind actually be to God?
  57. Who is over all?
  58. Did mankind have to take dominion?
  59. Was a sex act the sin in the garden?
  60. What was the sin in the garden?
  61. Everything made was directly or indirectly for what?
  62. What did God say about everything that He had created?